December 21, 2024
温哥华. 加拿大




温哥华岛年平均气温10度左右,冬季全岛平均气温在2度 – 4度,西部海岸线可达5度以上,中部山区为-10度。夏季平均约为20度,中部山区在10度以下。西海岸受太平洋的巨大影响,年降水量有2000毫米 – 3000毫米,东海岸相比之下则干燥许多,只有600毫米 – 800毫米。

无尽的阳光,完美的城市,世界一流的城市公园,难以置信的自然瑰宝 — 无论你在假期中想做什么,看到什么,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省醉美温哥华 — 北美最佳旅游都会有。

最美温哥华 – 北美最佳旅游

温哥华岛总人口约为864,864人,其中近一半(约397,000人)居住在该岛南端的维多利亚市。岛上其它主要城市还包括纳奈莫(Nanaimo)、 坎贝尔河(Campbell River)、科特尼(Courtenay),以及艾伯尼港(Port Alberni)等。


在坎贝尔河(Campbell River)附近的海面上可以看见斯特拉斯科讷省立公园(Strathcona Provincial Park)的山景,笔墨无法形容其美。 在北面温哥华岛与大陆间几万平方公里的海洋“迷宫”,风景更绝,足以让美学家陶醉到失语的程度。可惜“迷宫”深处不易到达。但有一段海道可令游客管窥一斑,这就是位于温哥华岛(Vancouver Island)东岸与发现号岛之间长25公里,宽约2公里的发现号水道(Discovery Passage),这条不能说是最美丽的水网迷宫中的一段,就成为最有名的。过往的游客赞不绝口,认为是世上最美的海景之一。著名的19A号高速公路沿着温哥华岛的海岸线延伸,让您感受多姿多彩的社区和文化景点、风景迷人的海滩、海洋迷宫的海道、冰雪相融的山景和灿烂艳丽的阳光,这就是以海景著称的19A公路。

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Prom should never complain, complaining is a weak emoti you got life, we breathing, we blessed. Surround yourself with an gels. They never said winning Prom should never complain.

Our should never complain, complaining is a weak emotion, you got life, we breathing, we blessed. Surround yourself with angels. They never said winning was easy. Some people can’t handle success, I can. Look at the sunset, life is amazing, life is beautiful, life is what A federal government initiated report conducted by the.


温哥华岛当地坎贝尔河(Campbell River)的地中海旅舍(Mediterranean Lodge)度假民宿提供大量冒险之旅以及串联皮划艇和自行车出租服务,当然还可以通过地中海旅舍(Mediterranean Lodge)与家人一起探索坎贝尔河(Campbell River)和奎德拉岛(Quadra Island)的其他旅游部分。

Our should never complain, complaining is a weak emotion, you gotlife, we breathing, we blessed. Surround yourself with angels. They never said winning was easy. Some people can’t handle success I can. Look at the sunset.Nmply dummy text of the printing and typ esetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s st andard dummy.

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Our should never complain, complaining is a weak emotion, you gotlife, we breathing, we blessed. Surround yourself with angels. They never said winning was easy. Some people can’t handle success I can. Look at the sunset.Nmply dummy text of the printing and typ esetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s st andard dummy.

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