December 21, 2024
温哥华. 加拿大
旅游 汽车


★ 房车旅行为您提供完全的灵活性。如果您想要最灵活的假期,房车旅行是一个不错的选择。它提供了完全的自由和令人愉快的喘息机会,摆脱了日程安排的束缚。随心所欲地改变方向,如果你喜欢所看到的,你可能会想逗留。

★ 房车旅行一个关键词的话,其实并不是“自由”、“想睡就睡”这样的,而是:“家庭”。

★ 房车旅行是一种与自然联系的独特方式。伴着蟋蟀的夜歌和大海浪涛声的入睡是一件很美妙的事情。住在房车里可以让您享受自然环境并舒适地睡眠。
★ 房车最好的旅行方式是:约着要好的2-3个家庭,带着年龄差不多的小朋友和老人,一起去一个向往已久的地方转悠七八天,关掉手机,忘掉邮件,在美景中重温生活的本质。

★ 房车旅行可以随身携带所需的一切。一堆书。你最喜欢的咖啡杯。棋盘游戏和视频游戏。一个柜子里装满了零食。房车旅行让您无论走到哪里都可以享受到家一般的舒适,这对于那些难以将必需品装入飞机随身行李的人来说是一种解脱。
★ 您将与您所爱的人(包括宠物)更加亲近。通过房车旅行一圈下来,原本不熟悉的家庭也会成为通家之好的。房车旅行还允许您在度假时携带宠物,而不用寄养它们。

★ 房车旅行是保持社交距离的理想选择。在人们渴望旅行同时避开人群的时代,房车旅行是飞机或游轮旅行的一种有吸引力的替代方案。它是独立的,所以你不必去公共卫生间。你可以在自己的空间里做饭、吃饭、洗漱、睡觉。

★ 房车旅行为可以尝试极简的生活方式。房车旅行迫使您决定什么是真正重要的,而把其余的抛在脑后。在旅行的过程中,您可能会发现您留下的回忆远比您积累的财产更有价值。

★ 房车旅行让您坐在驾驶座上。传统的旅行方式会让您感到焦虑或沮丧吗?如果您不喜欢处理长时间的机场延误、拥挤的火车、咳嗽的乘客和哭闹的婴儿,那么房车假期非常适合您。当然,偶尔会出现交通堵塞,但大多数时候,您的旅程都在您的掌控之中。

when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type area specimen book It has survived not only five centuries.but also the leap introduce electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Willum Skeener


★ 房车就像个移动的家,避免了搬运行李的烦恼。里面有床、厨房和厨具、微波炉、空调、冰箱、餐具、卫生间、淋浴室等,满足家庭出游

★ 房车停靠时还可以在车上自由活动或者在床铺上休息,让乘客尤其是父母和孩子不再为坐车不舒适而烦恼。

★ 房车上随时可以烹饪自己喜欢的食物,不再为在外国口味不习惯而烦恼。


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom

  • 我们提供更专业的中文导游,全程陪同,解决房车旅行中的各种问题,为悠闲的享受家庭假期提供更有效的帮助。
  • 交通:随时提供国外驾驶专业指导,国外交通规则的讲解以及如何更好的遵守,遇到警察如何有效处理。
  • 使用:房车如何驾驶和使用,在房车营地如何更有效的适用房车的相关设施,在遇到各种房车故障时提供最有效的解决方案,随时关注和提醒房车驾驶和乘客的安全。
  • 线路:规划更合理的线路规划,让整个行程看到更多美丽和独特的风景,更悠闲的享受假期。

RV travel also allows you to bring pets on your vacation instead of boarding them. However, you can’t expect every dog (or cat) to love the experience — at least right away. Allow your furry friend to explore the RV, at their own pace, when it’s parked. Begin with a few short trips before you set off on a weeklong adventure. And never leave your pet alone inside the RV unless you’ve taken precautions to ensure safety.

  1. RV travel is ideal for social distancing.
    At a time when people are itching to travel while avoiding crowds, RVing is an appealing alternative to plane or cruise travel. It’s self-contained, so you don’t have to visit public restrooms. You can cook, eat, wash up and sleep in your own space.

That being said, it’ll be your responsibility to keep the RV clean — and that can be tough when multiple people (and pets) are sharing a small space. Make sure you use the right cleaning products to disinfect surfaces without scratching them. Sanitizing the holding tanks may be a yucky job, but it’s essential to keep everyone safe and avoid noxious odors. Take a look at this guide to RV cleaning to get a sense of what’s required.

  1. You can try out a minimalist lifestyle.
    Maybe you (like the rest of us) read Marie Kondo’s guide to decluttering and never quite succeeded at ditching possessions that don’t spark joy. RV travel forces you to decide what’s truly important and leave the rest behind. In the course of your trip, you may find that the memories you make are far more valuable than the possessions you’ve accumulated.
  2. RV travel puts you in the driver’s seat.
    Do traditional modes of travel make you feel anxious or frustrated? If you dislike dealing with long airport delays, crowded trains, coughing passengers and crying babies, then an RV vacation is perfect for you. Sure, there’s an occasional traffic jam, but most of the time, you’re in control of your journey.

Just remember that trip insurance from Allianz Global Assistance can provide essential coverage for your RV trip. While it won’t cover the RV if it’s in an accident, travel insurance can reimburse any lost prepaid expenses if you need to interrupt or cancel your trip for a covered reason. Best of all, you get the peace of mind to really enjoy your vacation.